Introductory Blog

 Hello, my name is Aglantis Jean-Francois. I am 17 years old and currently a student at Dillard high school. This is my final year at Dillard, and I hope to make it as peaceful as possible. I came to this school in my junior year hoping to find a better stem program and learn more about the technical field. When it comes to academics, I'm pretty good at my studies. My academic goal for this year is to be ranked in the top 10 students. I tend to get lost while watching a show or movie so I hope this course can help me fix that problem.

Outside of school, I like to spend my free time sleeping or catching up on shows I missed. Recently I have been watching a lot of fantasy and action shows. I also like to spend my time learning a new language. It became a passion and a personal goal of mine to learn as many languages as I can. If I'm not home relaxing, you can probably find me volunteering at a random event. 


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