Video Game Research
1. Why you chose the particular genre?
Video games have become more than an activity to just pass the time. it is now a way of life that millions of people have decided to live. It has to become a professional occupation to which players have devoted their lives to mastering. Not only adults but students have also jumped on the trend. more and more students can be found the training to become professional Esports players each year.
2. Why you chose the particular sub-genre?
I chose MOBA because it is the most popular genre in the gamer world. The number of players and viewers switching to MOBA is constantly increasing every day. MOBA is also the number one most popular genre in professional Esports gaming. with players receiving a minimum of 450 dollars per match anyone would be tempted to try their luck in the world of Esports.
3. What do you plan to create?
A gaming magazine with tips and tricks on how to become a better player
4. Who are you targeting?
Teenagers and young adults (13-25)
5. Who will be represented?
Professional Esports players
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