Photoshoot Planning

1. What is the topic of my 300-word article? 

Video Games 

2. How can I illustrate that text in images? In other words, what images would be suitable as illustrations for that text? What should those images depict? 

To illustrate the main idea of the magazine I'll capture pictures of people gaming. More specifically I should take pictures of people playing Moab and Platform games and capture the emotions of every player. The images should depict what it feels like to play a MOBA or platform games 

3. Who is going to be the model? 

There will be two target audiences, so we will use two different models. The main model will be black 18-year-old students and the sub-model will be Hispanic 17-year-old students 

4. What mise en scene am I going to use for the photoshoot? Where am I going to take these photos (LOCATION)? What costumes am I going to use 

I will take a picture of the players playing a game or in the middle of a match against each other. The photos will be taken at Dillard high school. Since this is a gaming magazine, I believe the setting should be a place where people frequently play games. The models will be wearing casual attire such as jeans, joggers, and hoodies. 

5. What camera shots should I use for the front cover? What camera shots should I use for the double-page spread and the table of contents? 

The camera shots I think would be best for the front cover are medium (long shots) so that we can show the players who will be featured in the magazine. Since the magazine should focus on the game more than the player, I believe taking point-of-view shots for the double page would make readers feel as if they are playing the game. Finally, for the table of contents, I combine the shots from the cover and double page and add in over-the-shoulder shots. 

6. How should I frame the image for the front cover, so I have enough space in the photo to add my text elements (masthead, cover lines, and other elements such as the dateline, barcode, and any other additional elements.

I will put the main image in the middle of the front page with the masthead position in the top center. Sub images will be placed below the main image. I want to make sure that there are multiple sub-images so viewers can see other options to read about. The main cover line will be placed on the left with sub-cover lines underneath it. 



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